Go . . . and make disciples . . . baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19
We affirm Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as ordinances designed by Christ to be observed by his disciples. (From our Church Covenant)
Ordinances, or sacraments as some churches call them, are rituals or practices that engage us in recalling and remembering our faith commitments. Participating in the ordinances of the church is a call to renewal of our faith commitment to Jesus Christ.
Although many churches baptize babies, in our Baptist tradition we practice believer’s baptism. This means we baptize those who are old enough to make a personal decision to accept Jesus as their Savior. Baptism then is an outward sign, a public testimony, to the individual’s commitment to follow Jesus. Baptism is a one-time event that marks the entrance into a new life in Christ.
The second ordinance, generally observed on the first week of each month, is Communion or the Lord’s Supper. This symbolizes the sustaining of our relationship with Christ. Jesus instituted this practice at his last Passover meal. The bread represents Christ’s broken body and the grape juice represents his shed blood. Participating in this ordinance is a reminder of our dependence upon the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Bread of Life. It is this fellowship with Jesus that sustains us on our faith journey.
On Palm Sunday we will hold a baptism service at North Scituate Baptist Church. All are invited to join with us as Cara Holloway and Taila Nakopinski profess their faith in Jesus through the act of baptism. Join with us and take this opportunity to renew your own baptismal vows.
Source: Maring & Hudson: A Baptist Manual of Polity and Practice
We affirm Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as ordinances designed by Christ to be observed by his disciples. (From our Church Covenant)
Ordinances, or sacraments as some churches call them, are rituals or practices that engage us in recalling and remembering our faith commitments. Participating in the ordinances of the church is a call to renewal of our faith commitment to Jesus Christ.
Although many churches baptize babies, in our Baptist tradition we practice believer’s baptism. This means we baptize those who are old enough to make a personal decision to accept Jesus as their Savior. Baptism then is an outward sign, a public testimony, to the individual’s commitment to follow Jesus. Baptism is a one-time event that marks the entrance into a new life in Christ.
The second ordinance, generally observed on the first week of each month, is Communion or the Lord’s Supper. This symbolizes the sustaining of our relationship with Christ. Jesus instituted this practice at his last Passover meal. The bread represents Christ’s broken body and the grape juice represents his shed blood. Participating in this ordinance is a reminder of our dependence upon the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Bread of Life. It is this fellowship with Jesus that sustains us on our faith journey.
On Palm Sunday we will hold a baptism service at North Scituate Baptist Church. All are invited to join with us as Cara Holloway and Taila Nakopinski profess their faith in Jesus through the act of baptism. Join with us and take this opportunity to renew your own baptismal vows.
Source: Maring & Hudson: A Baptist Manual of Polity and Practice